
Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

(No Measure)

8 min SLAMRAP(slow amrap):

200m row

15 pull-ups or ring row

10 ghd or ab mat sit-ups

then snatch warm-up

Snatch (E2MOM(5sets) for 10min 4 T&G snatches)

start around 70-75% of either your squat or power snatch 1rm and work up if possible. Squat is preferred, but refer to a coach if guidance is needed.

Metcon (Time)

5 rounds:

15 hang power snatches 95/63

30 wall balls 20/14

Metcon (Time)


with a partner:

160 hspu for time*

*non-working partner must be holding 135/93 barbell OH for hspu to count.

Metcon (No Measure)


2 rounds:

3 mile assault bike

rest 5-10 minutes