Author: honeybadgergym

Fitness – Sat, Jul 27

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Metcon (Time)

Teams of 2

Partners will alternate 3 laps each of 200m Sandbag bear hug carries then 3 laps of 200m Double DB farmer carries. For a total of 6 parking lot laps each. The partner not doing the carries will complete

1 Round

10 Box jump overs 24/20

10/8 calorie Bike

10 KB swings 53/35

and rest till partner returns.

RX sandbag 100/70

DBs 50s/35s

When all 12 laps are complete the workout is over.

Badger S&C – Fri, Jul 26

Honey Badger Gym – Badger S&C

Warm-Up (No Measure)

Machine for 2 Min

Carioca Shuffle Down and Back

Knee Tucks/Quad Pulls

Shoulder Wipers – 4 Each Side

Good Mornings to Squat – 5

Down/Up Dog – 4

Squat/Hammy Stretch – 4

Shoulder Trio

Prone OH with Plates – 5

Anderson Presses – 4

Carioca Step to Squat- 4

Thread the Needle Hold 15 Sec Each Side

AMRAP – 20 Min (No Measure)

Prone OH with plates – 10

Anderson Presses – 10

Weighted Good Mornings to Squat – 10

Carioca Step to Squat – 10

Row for 1 minute

Extra Guac – Fri, Jul 26

Honey Badger Gym – Extra Guac

Gymnastics (No Measure)

3 rounds

8-12x Hollow Pulses *on the floor

8-12x Arch pulses

5-10x Kip swings


3 sets of max strict pull ups -or- feet elevated ring rows *rest as needed between sets

Fitness – Fri, Jul 26

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Bench Press (Build to a heavy and do 2 singles
Followed by 1 set max effort at 65%)

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds for Time

15 min cap

Spicy RX+

6 Snatch 115/83

12 Push Ups

18 Wall Balls 20/14

Mild RX



5 Snatch

10 Push up variations

15 Wall Balls 14/10

Badger S&C – Fri, Jul 26

Honey Badger Gym – Badger S&C

Warm-Up (No Measure)

Machine for 2 Min

Carioca Shuffle Down and Back

Knee Tucks/Quad Pulls

Shoulder Wipers – 4 Each Side

Good Mornings to Squat – 5

Down/Up Dog – 4

Squat/Hammy Stretch – 4

Shoulder Trio

Prone OH with Plates – 5

Anderson Presses – 4

Carioca Step to Squat- 4

Thread the Needle Hold 15 Sec Each Side

AMRAP – 20 Min (No Measure)

Prone OH with plates – 10

Anderson Presses – 10

Weighted Good Mornings to Squat – 10

Carioca Step to Squat – 10