
Honey Badger Gym – Rowing

Warm-up (No Measure)

5 min Dry-land Warm-up


3 min Pause Drill:

Arms Away/Arms & Body Away


10 minute build(Damper set to 1):

Begin at 16 s/m for the 1st minute. Every minute after, go up one beat in the stroke rate…17,18,19,etc. At the 5 minute mark, go up one beat in stroke rate every 30 seconds. In the final 30 seconds, your stroke rate will be at 30.

Metcon (Distance)

NOTE: if you do not have an official 2k time, you may have an alternative warm-up and workout.

Part A(total 24 minutel):

Row x 3 min @ 2k+2

Rest x 3 min

Row x 2 min @ 2k

Rest x 2 min

Row x 1 min @ 2k-2

Rest x 1 min

Row x 2 min @ 2k-2

Rest x 2 min

Row x 3 min @ 2k

REST 5 Minutes

Part B(total 14 minute):

2×2 minute row

1st- Max Effort(empty the tank)

rest 5 minutes

2nd- MUST BEAT previous effort by at least .1 seconds.