
Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

badger built warm-up (No Measure)

3-5 min bike or row

25 jumping jacks

25 swinging jacks

10×3 count squat/hammy strectch

bear crawl down/back

15 jumping jacks

15 swinging jacks

bear crawl down/back

alternating groin stretch down

runners stretch back

inch worm with push up down

shoulder stretch 30 sec each side

Front Squat/Back Squat Cycle (4x7FS/13BS @ 94% of Monday’s weight w/2minish rest)

All percentages will be taken from your front squat. The sets will start with front squats, immediately followed by back squats. Do not rest between the two.

Metcon (Time)

RX+ 3 Rounds:

5 Ring Muscle-Ups

10 Power Snatches 115/80

20 Box Jump-Overs 24/20″

RX 3 Rounds:

5 Burpee CTB Pull-ups

10 Power Snatches 115/80

20 Box Jump-Overs 24/20″

Fitness 6 rounds alt. movements w/a partner:

10 reverse med ball burpees

10 Power Snatches

20 Box Jump-Overs