
Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Busy Badger (warm-up) (No Measure)

honey badger “400” jog

bear crawl down/back in reverse

alternating groin stretch 6 each side w/3 count

runners stretch 5 each side w/5 count

wide base 5-4-3-2-1 push-up

shoulder stretch 30 count each side

Split Jerk (E90S for 9 min 2-2-2-2-2-2 start~60%)

quality reps, move up based on consistency in form. Reps can be taken from floor or rack.

Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds For Time:

30 KB SDHP 53/35

20 ab mat situps

10 single arm KB OH reverse lunges

*left arm rounds 1 and 3

*right arm rounds 2 and 4