Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
30 Seconds Each:
Active Samson
Child’s Pose
Barbell Good Mornings
Active Spidermans
Front Rack Stretch
Barbell Elbow Rotations
Push-up to Down Dog
Barbell Ankle Stretch
Barbell Strict Press & Reach
Inchworm to Push-up
Barbell Front Squat Hold
Barbell Muscle Clean + Front Squat
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Teams of 3
7/5 Calorie Bike
10 Med Ball Squat Jumps (30/20)
5 Power Clean and Jerks
1st 6 Rounds: 95/65
2nd 6 Rounds: 115/85
3rd 6 Rounds: 135/95
4th 6 Rounds: 155/105
Parters cycle through full rounds, one at a time. Weights climb after each partner has gone through twice (6 rounds).