
Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

make money get turnt (warm-up) (No Measure)

long bear crawl + 5 air squats

lunge steps

long bear crawl + 10 air squats

lunge steps in reverse

long inch worm + 15 air squats

runners/hip flexor stretch half way

alt. groin stretch half way + 10 push ups

duck walks half way + 10 push ups

alt. groin stretch half way + 10 push ups

Deadlift (15 min to build up to a heavy set of 5 reps)

these can be touch and go, or reset for every rep. Quality positions are the main focus today.

Metcon (Time)

21 Hang Power Clean (135/93)

21 Burpees over Bar

100 DU

15 HPC (135/93)

15 Burpees over Bar

75 DU

9 HPC (135/93)

9 Burpees over Bar

50 DU