
Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

When you get to the gym, start your general stretches and warm-up specific to your needs.

Class will begin with 3-5 min of bike, row or jog.


Snatch Warm-up (coaches choice)

Snatch (3×5 min EMOM w/ 1min of rest between each)

EMOM #1 – 2 Hang Snatches (build)

Rest 1:00

EMOM #2 – 2 Hang Snatches below knee (build)

Rest 1:00

EMOM #3 – 1 Snatch (build)

we will record the heaviest snatch single(record weights used as you like in the notes)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

8 minute alternating Tabata of:

Front Squats 115/80

Toes to Bar

20sec work / 10sec rest for 8min