Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit
“One can have no smaller or greater mastery, than mastery of oneself.” –Leonardo DiVinci
Leonardi DiVinci was one of the first documented individuals to believe that humans could take flight. Before such an idea became a mainstream success… talk about a horrific idea! The thought of hurling a human into the air, like a bird, with no guarantee of landing.
The above quote speaks to his greatest accomplishment. His mastery over his mind. He well knew of the risks, and well recognized the fears. But he believed it to be possible through it all.
The one person that will stop of us from doing what we want to do, looks back at us in the mirror.
It’s good to acknowledge that the primary job of our brain is to keep us safe. It’s going to try to keep us away from risk, danger, and failure.
It’s you versus you.
Warm-up (No Measure)
30 Seconds Each:
Active Samson
Hollow Hold
Push-up to Down Dog
Superman Hold
Inchworm to Push-ups
Straight Leg Sit-ups
Air Squats
“Barbell Stretches”
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Strict Press & Reach
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
Couch Stretch: 1 Minute Each Side
Wrist Stretch: 30 Seconds
Front Rack Stretch: 30 Seconds
Clean and Jerk (E2MOM x 12 min build on the MACHO MAN complex)
“Macho Man”
3 power cleans
3 front squats
3 push jerks
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
12 min AMRAP:
3 Rounds of “Macho Man” (135/93)
15 Toes to Bar
Macho Man:
3 power cleans
3 front squats
3 push jerks