
Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

badgers need barbells (No Measure)

3 min bike or row just above convo pace….

10 shoulder circles small>med>big

10 sh. circles in rev. sml>med>big

knee hugs down, quad pulls back x2

alt. groin stretch down

lunge steps w/ reach to the sky down

lunges w/ twist into the knee down

alt. leg swings down

high knees down/back in reverse

lateral high knees down/back

butt kicks down/back in reverse

smooth broad jumps down

the Other Total (3 Rounds for weight)

1RM Clean

1RM Bench Press


We will take approximately 15 min for each movement including transition times.

Before each movement, athletes must declare an opening weight to coaches, and that will be the first of your 3 MAX attempts.

If you’re unsure of what your first attempt should be, a coach will be more than happy to guide you.



Bench Press

Overhead Squat

Metcon (7 Rounds for reps)

OPTIONAL Conditioning

21 min EMOM:

Min 1: 20/16 Cal Row

Min 2: 16/12 Cal Bike

Min 3: ME muscle ups for 40 sec

score is muscle ups each round, if you don’t finish the bike and row cals in the allotted minute, you do not get a score for muscle ups that round.