Honey Badger Gym – Fitness
Clean (6 sets every :90 building
Power clean
Full Clean
Jerk of any kind)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Amrap 15
With a partner
Alternating minutes (one person on the bike, the other going through the amrap. once the cals are done split reps however.)
RX+ 140/100 Calorie Bike
RX 120/90
Pico 100/80
6 Sandbag Cleans
9 Burpee jump over sandbag
12 HSPU *
15 Wall Balls
RX+150/100 20/14
RX 100/75 20/14 +ab mat
Pico 75/50 14/10* 12 T push ups