
Honey Badger Gym – Rowing

(No Measure)

5 minute dry land warm-up


PAUSE DRILLS w/ 20 strokes pausing at:

ARMS AWAY (from the release)

ARMS AWAY, ARMS & BODY AWAY (2 pauses/stroke)

ARMS AWAY, ARMS & BODY AWAY, and 1/2 SLIDE CATCH (3 pauses/stroke)

5 second pauses(coaches count)


5 minute BUILD: (damper set to 1)

30 seconds @ 16spm

30 seconds @ 17spm

30 seconds @ 18spm

30 seconds @ 19spm

30 seconds @ 20spm

then go up 1 Stroke Per Minute every 15 seconds, you should end at 30 S.P.M.

Metcon (Distance)

ROW @ 22 strokes per minute:

4 min @ 2K +10

3 min @ 2K +8

2 min @ 2K +6

1 min @ 2K +4

rest 5 min

ROW @ 24 strokes per minute:

4 min @ 2K +10

3 min @ 2K +8

2 min @ 2K +6

1 min @ 2K +4

rest 5 min

ROW @ 26 strokes per minute:

4 min @ 2K +10

3 min @ 2K +8

2 min @ 2K +6

1 min @ 2K +4
each 10 minutes will be rowed continuously at the assigned stroke rate. Maintain the stroke rate, the objective is to adjust pacing without needing stroke rate to change.