
Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

less talky, more squatty (No Measure)

10 wall balls

high knees down, butt kicks back x2

10 wall balls

bear crawl down, alt. groin stretch back

10 wall balls

runners/hip flex stretch down, inch worm back

10 wall balls

burpee broad jumps down, alt. cross kicks back

10 wall balls

3 count squat and hammy stretch x10

Shoulder Press (E2MOM 5-3-2-1-1-1 )

no extra attempts, use the rep scheme and make jumps based on feel

extra work test wod 01/04/2016 (Time)

40 pushups

75 double unders

30 push ups

75 double unders

20 push ups

75 double unders

10 push ups

75 double unders

pushups need to be legit, no half worms and chest to floor.

RX+ doubles must be unbroken