
Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

badgers need barbells (No Measure)

3 min bike or row just above convo pace….

10 shoulder circles small>med>big

10 sh. circles in rev. sml>med>big

knee hugs down, quad pulls back

alt. groin stretch down

lunge steps w/ reach to the sky down

knee hugs down, quad pulls back

lunges w/ twist into the knee down

inch worms down

alt. leg swings down

high knees down/back in reverse

lateral high knees down/back

butt kicks down/back in reverse

smooth broad jumps down

BIG CLEAN COMPLEX (6 Rounds for weight)

Every 4min For 24min(6 rounds) complete 1 Set of the Following Complex:

High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Clean + Push Press

High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Clean + Push Jerk

High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Clean + Split Jerk

*All cleans require a squat.

*Goal is to build in weight each set.

* If you drop the barbell before the set is complete, you will enter a 0 for that round. Build wisely.