Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit
“The only thing that is different about me, is that I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill.” – Will Smith
It’s not about the treadmill.
It’s what the treadmill stands for.
Will Smith is not a competitive athlete. If he runs 2, 3, 10 miles… he’s still probably going to be highly successful in his career.
But that’s not why he is, who he is. Not defined by what he’s doing, but instead by how he is doing it.
Full heart, full commitment, full effort. In wherever we go.
Warm-up (No Measure)
Rowing Speed Golf:
8 Holes (4 Each Partner)
Hole 1: 178 Meters
Hole 2: 212 Meters
Hole 3: 193 Meters
Hole 4: 182 Meters
Hole 5: 239 Meters
Hole 6: 207 Meters
Hole 7: 246 Meters
Hole 8: 222 Meters
12 Minute Cap
Partner Not Rowing:
Ankle Stretch
*This is rowling with a golfing twist to it. Parter one will take on the first hole, looking to land exactly on 178 meters. If they are 5 meters short or 5 meters long, they will complete 5 air squats before their partner can start. Partner 2 will then reset the monitor and try to land exactly on 212 meters. Teams are trying to be fast, but accurate. The team who is done first will be crowned the winner. Partner not rowing can complete an ankle stretch that will help with mobility for rowing.
2k Row (Time)
Max Effort 2k Row
Metcon (No Measure)
Post 2k Pool Season Recovery
5 rounds
20-30 sit-ups
:45-1:30 elbow plank