Fitness – Mon, Dec 30
Honey Badger Gym – Fitness
Metcon (No Measure)
1- 20 Banded v ups
2-10 Single leg jumps youve been doing
3- 8 Wide leg RDL
4- Rest
1- 20 Banded v ups
2-10 Single leg jumps youve been doing
3- 8 Wide leg RDL
4- Rest
Machine for 2 Min
Squat/Hammy – 4
Samson with Twist – 4
Down/Up Dog – 4
Thread the Needle – 8
Groin Stretch – 4 Each
Heel to Toe Rocks – 10
Toe Taps – 10
Windmills – 10
Heel/Toe Walks
Lateral Shuffles – 2
Knee to Wall – 4 Each
Rig Squats – 4
Barbell Warm-Up:
Good Mornings – 5
Elbow Rotates – 10
Back Squat – 5
RDL’s – 5
Pigoen Pose – 30 Sec
1: Max Back Squat @65
2: Banded X Walks – 10 Each way
3: Rest
4: Max Back Squat (Increase)
5: Banded X Walks – 10
6: Rest
7: Max Back Squat (Increase)
8: Banded X Walks – 10
9: Rest
10: Tempo Back Squat – 4 (Increase)
5 Rounds:
Lateral High Knees – 2
Lateral Shuffles – 4
Jump Rope – 40
Plate Taps – 20
1: Max Back Squat @65
2: Banded X Walks – 10 Each way
3: Rest
4: Max Back Squat (Increase)
5: Banded X Walks – 10
6: Rest
7: Max Back Squat (Increase)
8: Banded X Walks – 10
9: Rest
10: Tempo Back Squat – 4 (Increase)
5 Rounds:
Lateral High Knees – 2
Lateral Shuffles – 4
Jump Rope – 40
Plate Taps – 20
Teams of 2
200′ Synchro Walking lunge
20 Power Snatch
20 Burpee box get overs 48/40
150′ Synchro walking lunge
15 Power Snatch
15 Burpee box get overs
100′ Synchro walking lunge
10 power snatch
10 Burpee box get overs
40 Sandbag over box
one db each 50/35
150/100 Sandbag
One DB each 35/25
BW walking lunge or weight
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 Power Cleans, 135#/95#
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1-minute.
Repeat for a total of 5 cycles