Author: honeybadgergym

Fitness – Wed, Dec 18

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Snatch (EMOM 10
Minutes 0,1,2 70%
Minute 3 Rest
Minute 4,5,6 75%
7 Rest
Minute 8-9 80%)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

12 Min Clock

Amrap 5


Box Jumps


2 Minute Rest

Amrap 5

Pull Ups

Hang DB Snatch


(2L, 4R, 6L, 8R…)

RX+ 50/35 c2b 24/20

RX 35/25 24/20

Pico Core and pull up movement of your choice. Box step up
Reps of both rounds combined is your score

Fitness – Wed, Dec 18

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Snatch (EMOM 10
Minutes 0,1,2 70%
Minute 3 Rest
Minute 4,5,6 75%
7 Rest
Minute 8-9 80%)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

12 Min Clock

Amrap 5


Box Jumps


2 Minute Rest

Amrap 5

Pull Ups

Hang DB Snatch


(2L, 4R, 6L, 8R…)

RX+ 50/35 c2b 24/20

RX 35/25 24/20

Pico Core and pull up movement of your choice. Box step up
Reps of both rounds combined is your score

Badger S&C – Wed, Dec 18

Honey Badger Gym – Badger S&C

Warm-Up (No Measure)

Machine for 2 Min

Squat/Hammy – 4

Thread the Needle – 4 Each

Inchworms – 4

Toe Taps – 10

Good Mornings – 10

Crossovers – 10

Ring Rows – 5

Lunge to Squat – 2

Shoulder Taps – 10

Down/Up Dog – 4

Barbell Warm-Up:

Good Mornings – 5

Back Squat – 5

Deadlift – 5

RDL’s – 5

Pigeon Pose – 30 Sec

EMOM – Deadlifts (No Measure)

1: Max Deadlifts Starting at 65%

2: Box Step Ups/Neg Down – 10

3: Rest

4: Max Deadlifts (Increase)

5: Box Step Ups/Neg Down – 10

6: Rest

7: Max Deadlifts (Increase)

8: Box Step Ups/Neg Down – 10

9: Rest

10: Max Deadlifts – (Incease)

30 On/30 Off – 10 Min (No Measure)

1: Row

2: Ring Rows

3: Row

4: Lunge to Squat

5: Row

6: Inchworms

7: Row

8: Inverted Plank

9: Row

10: Plank Jacks

Fitness – Wed, Dec 18

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Snatch (EMOM 10
Minutes 0,1,2 70%
Minute 3 Rest
Minute 4,5,6 75%
7 Rest
Minute 8-9 80%)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

12 Min Clock

Amrap 5


Box Jumps


2 Minute Rest

Amrap 5

Pull Ups

Hang DB Snatch


(2L, 4R, 6L, 8R…)

RX+ 50/35 c2b 24/20

RX 35/25 24/20

Pico Core and pull up movement of your choice. Box step up
Reps of both rounds combined is your score

Fitness – Wed, Dec 18

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Snatch (EMOM 10
Minutes 0,1,2 70%
Minute 3 Rest
Minute 4,5,6 75%
7 Rest
Minute 8-9 80%)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

12 Min Clock

Amrap 5


Box Jumps


2 Minute Rest

Amrap 5

Pull Ups

DB Snatch


RX+ 50/35 c2b 24/20

RX 35/25 24/20

Pico Core and pull up movement of your choice. Box step up
Reps of both rounds combined is your score