Author: honeybadgergym


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit


“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.” – Dr. Suess

Words from a children’s book, but words that reach far beyond.

It’s easy to get caught up in “life”.

To be so focused on chasing our next goal. Hunting that next accomplishment.

Dr. Suess gives us a grounding thought: to value the present. To appreciate the moments in front of us, despite how tempting it may be to look ahead. In today’s world, we’re moving faster than ever. Planning more than ever. Forecasting more than ever. But in all the plans that we could possibly dream up, regardless of how big and audacious as they may be, they do not create memories. Only today can.

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Minutes For Quality

6 Calorie Bike

6 Air Squats

6 AbMat Sit-ups

2 Minutes For Quality

6 Russian Kettlebell Swings (Light Weight)

6 Reverse Lunges

6 Push-up to Down Dogs

2 Minutes For Quality

6 Alternating Box Step-ups

6 Knees to Chest

6 Bottoms up burpees

2 Minutes For Quality

6 Romanian Deadlifts

6 Hang Power Cleans

6 Thrusters


With Lighter Weights:

3 Calorie Assault Bike

3 Wallballs

3 AbMat Sit-ups

3 Kettlebell Swings

3 Reverse Lunges (3 Each Leg)

3 Hand Release Push-ups

3 Box Jumps (Lower Box)

3 Toes to Bar

3 Burpees

3 Deadlifts

3 Hang Power Cleans

3 Thrusters

Metcon (Time)

“12 Days of CrossFit”

For Time(40 min cap):

1 Thruster (135/93)

2 Hang Power Cleans (135/93)

3 Deadlifts (135/93)

4 Burpees

5 Toes to Bar

6 Box Jumps (24/20)

7 Hand Release Push-ups

8 Reverse Lunges

9 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

10 AbMat Sit-ups

11 Wallballs (20/14)

12 Calorie Assault Bike
The workout flows in the same order as the song “12 Days of Christmas”:

1 Thruster

2 Hang Power Cleans, 1 Thruster

3 Deadlifts, 2 Hang Power Cleans, 1 Thruster

4 Burpees, 3 Deadlifts, 2 Hang Power Cleans, 1 Thruster

5 Toes to Bar, 4 Burpees, 3 Deadlifts, 2 Hang Power Cleans, 1 Thruster


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit


“Think like an immigrant. Act like an artisan.”

To “think like an immigrant”… where nothing is owed to me. Nothing promised. There’s no legacy spot awaiting me, and I’m not owed a job, a title bump, or a promotion. That no matter what or who I was yesterday, I’m brand new here, today. So I better plan to work harder than I ever have before to achieve my goals.

And to act, “like an artisan”. In the middle-ages, before mass production, every pair of shoes, every saddle, tool and utensil were made by hand. All one-off productions. By a creator, called an artisan. Artisans took great pride in their work, and would carve their initials into each piece they created.

Regardless of what we’ve accomplished, nothing is owed to us. Yesterday is gone, and we must earn today. And in everything we do, let’s take so much care that we could proudly etch our name into the side of our work for the world to see. We are humble, we are hungry, and we are the hardest damn workers in the room.

Warm-up (No Measure)


30 Seconds Walking Spidermans

30 Seconds Walking Samson

30 Seconds Air Squats


30 Seconds Easy Shuttle Runs

30 Seconds Moderate Shuttle Runs

30 Seconds Faster Shuttle Runs


30 Seconds Easy Row

30 Seconds Moderate Row

30 Seconds Faster Row


30 Seconds Easy Bike

30 Seconds Moderate Bike

30 Seconds Faster Bike

Metcon (Time)

Every 5 Minutes x 5 Rounds:

20/14 Calorie Row

20 Shuttle Runs

20/14 Calorie Assault Bike

*slowest round is your score


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit


“Never confuse movement, with action” – Ernest Hemingway

“Busy work” is our mortal enemy.

“Movement” here refers to taking care of the pressing and loud items in our day. The emails. The text messages. The bills. Parts that need to be done eventually, but are seemingly far more urgent in the moment than they are in reality. For at the days end, as we climb into bed, the days that were consumed with such busy work leave us feeling the least fulfilled. “What the hell did I do today?”

This is because “movement” does not push us towards our goals. Only action does. Action is premeditated effort, driven by purpose. It’s calculated energy, versus reactive “movement”. It’s swimming forward, versus treading water.

This quote urges us to recognize the difference between the two. Are we are we in motion, or are we in action?

Warm-up (No Measure)

400 Meter Easy Jog

40 Seconds

Active Spidermans

PVC Pass Throughs

Push-up to Down Dog

PVC Lat Stretch

Inchworm to Push-ups

PVC Power Snatch

Barbell “Stretches”

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Snatch Grip Push Press (Behind the Neck)

5 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts

5 Overhead Squats


Child’s Pose: 1 Minute

Pigeon Pose + Lat Reach: 1 Minute Each Side

Metcon (Time)

For Time(30 min cap):

800 Meter Run

50 Power Snatches (75/55)

800 Meter Run

25 pullups(10 bar muscle ups)

800 Meter Run

50 Lateral Barbell Burpees


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit


“Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.”

Although “knowledge” and “wisdom” are words often lumped into the same category, they are miles apart. The difference between the two: application.

Gaining knowledge, in and of itself, is relatively simple. But purely gaining knowledge doesn’t change who we are. We can place a turbocharged engine under the hood, but it’s not connected to the drivetrain, we won’t drive faster. We might even drive slower, clouding our efforts with “unusable weight”.

Wisdom on the other hand, takes effort. It takes trial, error, pain, blood, sweat, and tears. And it’s a lifelong practice.

Knowing is not half the battle. It’s not even a quarter. It’s the first 10%, if that. What we are after, is knowledge in action.

Warm-up (No Measure)

30 Seconds Each:

Easy Row

Plate Hops

Moderate Row

Plate Counterbalance Squats

Faster Row

Plate Front Raise to Overhead

30 Seconds

Glute Bridges

Single Leg Glute Bridges (30s Each Side)

Glute Bridge Walkouts

Jumping Air Squats

Barbell “Stretches”

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Strict Press & Reach

5 Romanian Deadlifts

5 Front Squats


Couch Stretch: 1 Minute Each Side

Front Rack Stretch: 1 Minute

Thruster (1 rep from the rack E2MOM for 12 min)

Blitzen Indi (Time)

RX+ 5 Rounds:

20/15 Calorie Row

10 Thrusters 115/83

RX 95/63

*if there are enough people in the class, we’ll perform the second workout posted as partners.

Blitzen Team (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

14 min AMRAP(w/a partner):

12/9 Calorie Bike

7 Thrusters

*RX+ 115/80, RX 95/63

*partners alternate complete rounds