Author: honeybadgergym


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Teams of 3

25 min AMRAP:

200 Meter Burden Run (50/35)

7 Burpees

7 Deadlifts (205/145)

*Next Athlete Begins Round When Runner Retu


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit


“An object at rest tends to stay at rest. An object in motion tends to stay in motion.” – Newton

There is a difference between understanding what we need to do, and actually doing it.

Most people don’t have an issue knowing what they need to do. They make goals, lists, priorities, to-do’s. But despite it being buttoned up on paper – the separation lies in execution.

Far too often, it’s the start that we fail at. Taking the first step. The challenge is hardly ever to align the ideas and goals… it’s to gather the energy to actually go.

We anticipate the work of the entire project, and it becomes paralyzing. In those moments, we need to remind ourselves that we aren’t looking to gather the energy to finish… we are looking to gather the energy to just start. Whether it’s the search of a new job, a new PR, a significant other… we just need to take that first step. For “an object in motion, tends to stay in motion”.

Crossfit Games Open 20.5 (Ages 16-54) (Time)

For time, partitioned any way:

40 muscle-ups

80-cal. row

120 wall-ball shots, 20/14 lb ball to 10 /9 ft.

Time cap: 20 min.

Warm-up (No Measure)

30 Seconds

Easy Row

Active Spidermans

Air Squats to Medicine Ball

Moderate Row

Push-up to Down Dog

Medicine Ball Front Squats

Faster Row

Inchworm to Push-up

Medicine Ball Thrusters


10 Scap Pull-ups

5 Rings Swings or Kip Swings

3 Hips to Rings or Bar

1 Ring Muscle-up or Pull-up Attempt

Crossfit Games Open 20.5 Scaled (Ages 16-54) (Time)

For time, partitioned any way:

40 chin-over-bar pull-ups

80-cal. row

120 wall-ball shots, 14/10 lb ball to 10/ 9 ft.

Time cap: 20 min.


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit


“To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.” – Reba McEntire

Wishbone – The growth-mindset that sees everything as an opportunity. To wear the lens of a true optimist… not a delusional “the world is amazing” outlook, but instead the singular focus: what can I learn from this?

Backbone – The unbreakable will to give our best, regardless of the circumstances. To put ego and pride aside, and to live with authenticity. Every day.

Funnybone – The attitude of gratitude for this incredible lifestyle we get to live. To see the humors in life, and to cherish the small things that all too often go unnoticed.

Warm-up (No Measure)

40 Seconds

Double Under Practice

Down Dog

Easy Bike

Double Under Practice

Up Dog

Moderate Bike

Double Under Practice

Active Dive-bombers

Faster Bike

*Partners Rotating Through 3 Stations


Couch Stretch: 1 Minute Each Side

Calf Stretch on Post: 30 Seconds Each Side

Metcon (Calories)

Teams of 3

5 Rounds:

Min 1: 50 Double Unders(RX+)

Min 2: 25 AbMat Sit-ups

Min 3: Max Calorie Bike

Min 4: Rest

75 Single Unders will be as RX, all 3 teammates do not have to do the same movement. Doubles or singles are fine, but you must stick with what you start with and finish within the minute to be RX+ or RX. All sit-ups must be completed before the minute is up as well.

Athletes will follow the leader on the next minute, everyone starts with jump ropes.

*Score is Total Bike Calories


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit


“When you have to make a choice and you don’t make it, that itself is a choice.” – William James

Every day, we are either moving to, or away from our goals. There is no such thing as standing still. When we wait to “tomorrow”, whether it’s valid or not, we’re taking action.

In 20 years from now, we won’t look back with regrets on the things we tried. If there’s regret, it will be on the things we didn’t.

Will our life be determined by action, or inaction? Will our life be on purpose, or by accident?

Warm-up (No Measure)

PVC Pass Throughs

Push-up to Down Dog

Push-up Plank Hold (On Hands)

PVC Hang Power Snatches

Push-up to Down Dog

Alternating Bird Dogs

PVC Power Snatches

Push-up to Down Dog

Shoulder Taps

“Barbell Stretches”

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Strict Press & Reach

5 Romanian Deadlifts

5 Front Squats


3-Way Shoulder: 30 Seconds Each Position

Power Snatch (3 touch and go reps EMOM for 12 min)

You do not need to build every set, but feel to keep moving up if you’re feeling good.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

RX+ 12 min AMRAP:

12 Power Snatches 95/63

12 Push-ups

12 Chest to Bar Pull-ups


