Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit
“Life is a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts.” – Joseph Campbell
Our life is a summation of what we think about.
Where we choose to place our thoughts and attention, we become. It’s what the human brain is programmed to do – to pay attention to what we’re thinking about.
If we are in the market to buy a silver Toyota, all we see are silver Toyotas on the road. It’s as if they suddenly appeared out of the sky, yet, they were there all along. It’s called the “Reticular Activation System”. We get what we focus on. It becomes exaggerated, monopolizing our thoughts. If we look for the negative, it will be there. If we look for the positive, it will be there.
Are we going to see the wonderful opera, or are we going to be distracted by the pain?
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Stations:
1 Minute Easy Bike
1 Minute Active Spidermans
1 Minute Med Ball Foot Taps
1 Minute Moderate Bike
1 Minute Active Samson + Air Squat
1 Minute Medball Deadlifts
1 Minute Faster Bike
1 Minute Push-up to Down Dog
1 Minute Slamball Strict Press & Reach
Medball Squat Hold: 45 Seconds
Child’s Pose on Medball: 45 Seconds
Pigeon Pose: 45 Seconds Each Side
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Teams of 3
25 min AMRAP:
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Plate Ground to OH (35/25)
10 Shuttle Runs
partners will rotate after complete rounds
Turf to wall is one length. Wall to turf is one length. Touch the wall, touch one foot on the turf. Down and back 5x.