Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit
“There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.” – Derek Jeter
Whether we believe in talent or not irrelevant.
Everyone, however, should believe in hard work.
When we were born, we looked just like the next baby. We didn’t have any skills, any separating “talents”. Nothing. We learned everything, from scratch.
Yet, there is a time in our lives that we think we can’t learn anymore. That we can’t adapt. That we’re too old to learn new tricks.
In that moment, remind ourselves…. nothing has changed but our perceptions. It’s a self-imposed limit that goes directly against our greatest strength, and what makes us human. Adaptability.
The difficult pill to swallow is that when we chalk it up to not having the “talent”, it’s really an excuse. An excuse that we don’t want to put in the hard work.
When we can see it from that angle, talent doesn’t matter. All that matters now, is how hard we’re willing to think, plan, strategize…. and work.
Warm-up (No Measure)
30 Seconds Each:
Active Spidermans
Medicine Ball Deadlifts
Push-up to Down Dog
Medicine Ball Push Press
Inchworm to Push-up
Medicine Ball Ground to OH
Partner Fish Game: 2 Minutes Each Partner
The Fish Game is a game on the Concept 2 Erg that lasts 4 minutes total. The goal of the Fish Game is to eat the small fish and striped fish while avoiding getting eaten by the large predators. Increasing intensity will move you up the screen while decreasing intensity will move you down. While one partner is rowing for two minutes, the other can complete 1 minute of Pigeon Pose + Lat Reach on each side.
Partner Medicine Ball Twists: 1 Minute Each Side
Child’s Pose on Kettlebell: 1 Minute
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Teams of 2
50 Wallballs (20/14)
40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
30/24 Calorie Row*
20 Deadlifts (225/155)
*For teams of 1 guy and 1 girl, complete 27 calories on the rower
Extra Guac version will be RX+, but we will not be prepping for that version so plan accordingly and warmup/prep for the advanced movements before class.