Sunday Suggestion
Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds:
100′ Bear Crawl
20 MedBall Ground to OH (30/20)
30/21 Calorie Bike
3 Rounds:
100′ Bear Crawl
20 MedBall Ground to OH (30/20)
30/21 Calorie Bike
“People are not lazy. They simply have goals that do not inspire them.” – Tony Robbins
Something we can all agree on – anything in life worth achieving, is going to be very, very hard. There’s no two ways about it. So we make goals.
But goals sometimes default to the “whats” in life. A “what” can be a certain amount of pounds on the barbell or an amount of pull-ups. Those are goals, but they are not “reasons”.
Reasons are what gets us out of bed in the morning. What we think about in the shower. What we see in the mirror when we look into it. Goals don’t move us forward – reasons do. Goals can be the waypoints or checkpoints along the way, but our reasons are the true North Star.
What are your goals? Can we refine them? Can we tie them to our reasons?
200 Meter Run
30 Seconds Each:
Active Spidermans
Barbell Romanian Deadlifts
Moutain Climbers
Barbell Elbow Rotations
Push-up to Down Dog
Barbell Hang Muscle Cleans
Straight Arm Burpees
Barbell Strict Press and Reach
Teams of 3
For Time (30 Minute Cap):
60 Clean and Jerks (135/93)
400 Meter Team Run
50 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
400 Meter Team Run
100 Lateral Barbell Burpees
400 Meter Team Run
50 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
400 Meter Team Run
60 Clean and Jerks (135/93)
“The only difference between feedback and criticism, is how you hear it.” – Tim Grover
We are defensive creatures. It’s in our nature for self-preservation.
We’ve all related to a time where we felt threatened by feedback. Where we felt like we were being attacked. Much like the primal man, self-preservation kicks in. But outside of that uncomfortable moment, we recognize that feedback is the best thing for us. It’s the secret sauce to improvement. So how can we train our minds to receive it as so?
Remind ourselves, whenever we have the luxury to receive feedback (because it is), there is no downside. There literally isn’t. Even if the feedback or advice is something we can’t use at all, or it doesn’t fit our goals, we still gained insight from another’s point of view or angle.
Whenever feedback comes our way, it’s a gift. If we can remind ourselves of this as the feedback comes, we’ll never hear “criticism” again.
General Warmup
45 Seconds Spiderman + Hamstring Stretch
45 Seconds Slow Air Squats
30 Seconds Spiderman + Hamstring Stretch
30 seconds Slow Air Squats
15 Seconds Spiderman + Hamstring Stretch
15 Seconds Slow Air Squats
Partner Rowling
1000 meters for time split between two partners
To make it fair, we’ll line up athletes by height and pair the athletes at the end of each side up together
5 rounds each on the rower, looking to land exactly on 100 meter intervals (100-200-300…)
The game is over when the screen says 1000 meters, so don’t reset the monitor
There will be a penalty for the partner who gets off the rower for every meter they are under or over
For example, if they land at 97 or 103, penalty is 3 air squats
Partner getting on the rower must wait until their partner completing the penalty is finished before they begin rowing
They can sit ready on the erg as they wait
We will cap this game at 8 minutes
Dumbbell Ankle Stretch: 1 Minute Each Side
Dumbbell Squat Hold: 1 Minute
On the 5:00 x 4 Rounds:
20 Single Arm DB Snatches (50/35)
40 Air Squats
20/15 Calorie Row
*score is slowest of 4 rounds
Weighted Strict Pull-Up
Build to 1RM
4 Rounds:
15 Strict Pull-ups
200 Meter Run
30 AbMat Sit-ups
200 Meter Wreck Bag Run (50/35)
“It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but rather the most adaptive to change.” – Charles Darwin
There’s a reason why we are still here on Earth. We adapted.
Yet the very thing that pushed us to where we are today, we find ourselves avoiding. We avoid, as human beings, challenge. We would much rarther be comfortable, cozy, and safe. Now we aren’t going to let loose predators to chase us around, but if we truly want to find that next best version of ourselves… we know we need to get uncomfortable.
When we find ourselves struggling today, take a step back. Realize for just a moment, in the uncomfortable mess that we are in, that this is us… getting better. If we can re-wire ourselves to embrace those sweaty, painful, often embarrassing moments… we can go wherever we want to go.
30 Seconds Push-up to Down Dog
30 Seconds Front Plank
1 Minute Chest Stretch on Wall
30 Seconds Air Squats
30 Seconds Glute Bridges
1 Minute Front Rack Stretch
30 Seconds Inchworm to Push-up
30 Seconds Alternating Bird Dogs
1 Minute Barbell Straddle Stretch
Barbell Warmup(coaches choice)
Teams of 3
7 min AMRAP:
50 Bench Press (135/95)
50 Bench Press (155/105)
Max Bench Press (185/125)
Rest 3 Minutes
7 min AMRAP(from floor):
50 Front Squats (135/95)
50 Front Squats (155/105)
Max Front Squats (185/135)
Rest 3 Minutes
7 min AMRAP:
50 Deadlifts (185/135)
50 Deadlifts (225/155)
Max Deadlifts (275/185)