Author: honeybadgergym


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Tread Water (Time)

2k Row

150 Double Unders

10 rounds of “Cindy”

“Cindy” is

5 pull-ups

10 pushups

15 air squats

RX+ perform chest to bar pull-ups
Push-ups must be chest to deck, and full lockouts of triceps and elbow aka straighten your ams out all the way.


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

1 Minute

Easy Bike or Row

Active Samson + Air Squats

:45 Seconds

Moderate Bike or Row

Activer Spidermans

:30 Seconds

Faster Bike or Row

Push-up to Down Dog

With a Medicine Ball:

5 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

5 Power Cleans

5 Front Squats

5 Press and Reach

5 Squat Cleans

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

5 Rounds:

1 Minute Wallballs 20/14

1 Minute DB Snatches 50/35

1 Minute Calorie Bike

1 Minute Rest


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Ready to Move (No Measure)

Parking Lot Lap

Quad Pulls down and back

Knee Tucks down and back

Alt. Crosskicks down and back

10 Knuckle Drags

Alt. Groin Stretch down

Cradle Stretch down and back

Samson Stretch down and back

Spiderman Crawl down and back

Inch Worms down(no push-up)

Toe Walk down and back

Heel Walk down and back

Lateral Slides down and back

High Knees down and back

Butt Kicks down and back

Metcon (Time)

800 Meter Run

21 Power Cleans (155/103)

400 Meter Burden Run (45/35)

21 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)



Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Overhead Squat (10 min to find a moderate single )

Snatch Balance (10 min to find a moderate single )

Snatch (15 min to find a heavy single )


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Ready to Move (No Measure)

Parking Lot Lap

Quad Pulls down and back

Knee Tucks down and back

Alt. Crosskicks down and back

10 Knuckle Drags

Alt. Groin Stretch down

Cradle Stretch down and back

Samson Stretch down and back

Spiderman Crawl down and back

Inch Worms down(no push-up)

Toe Walk down and back

Heel Walk down and back

Lateral Slides down and back

High Knees down and back

Butt Kicks down and back

Metcon (Time)

1 Mile Run

10 Rounds of “Bergeron Beep Test” (75/55)

1 Round of “Bergeron Beep Test”:

7 Thrusters, 7 Pull-ups, 7 Burpees