Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit
ROW-ling (AMRAP – Reps)
10 frames: (damper at 5)
row to get as close to 100m as possible every frame. How ever many meters you roll over or under, there will be penalty reps with a certain movement for the day. Complete your penalty reps while your partner is ROWling their next frame. If you roll a perfect 100 on your last frame, you get to roll another frame, if that score is lower than any of olf frames you can replace it. Cap is two perfect 100s after the 10th frame to replace scores. Perfect score will be 1000, all scores will be subtracted from that.
Penalty for today will be Burpees!
Extra stretches post ROWling, 30sec each:
Superman Hold
Ankle Stretch
Active Samson
Pigeon Pose
Air Squats
Wide Stance Side Lunge
2k Row (Time)
Max Effort 2k Row