Author: honeybadgergym


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

badgers need barbells (No Measure)

3 min bike or row just above convo pace….

10 shoulder circles small>med>big

10 sh. circles in rev. sml>med>big

knee hugs down, quad pulls back

alt. groin stretch down

lunge steps w/ reach to the sky down

knee hugs down, quad pulls back

lunges w/ twist into the knee down

inch worms down

alt. leg swings down

high knees down/back in reverse

lateral high knees down/back

butt kicks down/back in reverse

smooth broad jumps down

Thruster (10ish min to find a heavy 3 reps from the rack)

No misses

Metcon (Time)

RX+ 5 Rounds:

20/15 Calorie Row

10 Thrusters 115/80

RX 8 rounds w/a partner: Alternate complete rounds

15/12 Cal bike or Row

10 thrusters 95/63


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Busy Badger (warm-up) (No Measure)

honey badger “400” jog

bear crawl down/back in reverse

alternating groin stretch 6 each side w/3 count

runners stretch 5 each side w/5 count

wide base 5-4-3-2-1 push-up

shoulder stretch 30 count each side
:30 Seconds

Easy Bike or Row

B.W. Good Mornings

Ankle Jumps

:20 Seconds

Medium Bike or Row

Active Spidermans

Ankle+Hip Jumps

:15 Seconds

Fast Bike or Row

Air Squats

5 reps each w/barbell:

Good Mornings

Back Squats

Elbow Rotates

Strict Press


Front Squats

1 min wrist stretch(30sec each direction)

1 min box assisted calf stretch

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

3 min AMRAP:

24 Box Jump Overs 24/20

21/16 Calorie Assault Bike

ME P. Cleans 135/93(115/83)

rest 3 minutes

3 min AMRAP:

21 Box Jump Overs 24/20

18/14 Calorie Assault Bike

ME P. Cleans 155/103(135/93)

rest 3 minutes

3 min AMRAP:

18 Box Jump Overs 24/20

15/12 Calorie Assault Bike

ME P. Cleans 185/133(155/103)

rest 3 minutes

3 min AMRAP:

15 Box Jump Overs 24/20

12/10 Calorie Assault Bike

ME P. Cleans 205/143(185/133)


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

badger built warm-up (No Measure)

3-5 min bike or row

25 jumping jacks

25 swinging jacks

10×3 count squat/hammy strectch

bear crawl down/back

15 jumping jacks

15 swinging jacks

bear crawl down/back

alternating groin stretch down

runners stretch back

inch worm with push up down

shoulder stretch 30 sec each side
30 seconds of each:

PVC pass through


Duck Walks

Overhead Squat (10ish min to build to a heavy single)

No misses

Metcon (Time)

RX+ 9-15-21:

Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

Barbell-Facing Burpees

Overhead Squats 95/63

RX 9-15-21:



Overhead Squats 95/63


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Teams of 3

25 min AMRAP:

120/90 Calorie Bike

75 Thrusters 95/63

10 Rope Climbs

120/90 Calorie Bike

75 Power Snatches 115/78

10 Rope Climbs

120/90 Calorie Bike

75 Clean and Jerks 135/93

10 Rope Climbs


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Full Body Badger (No Measure)

3-5 min bike, row or jog

20 leg swings each side

Bear crawl down/back

20 lateral leg swings each side

Lunge steps down/back/down

10 arm circles sm/med/big forward and reverse

Quad pulls back

20 air squats

20 hollow/arch swings

Inch worms down

(Grab small weights for each hand)

20 reverse flyes

10 shoulder rotates each side

15 snow angels + Y shrug at top

Alternating groin stretch back

Lateral slides down/back x2

High knees down/butt kicks back x2

Wide base 5-4-3-2-1 push-ups
After inch worms..

:30 Seconds of:

Single Unders

Air Squats

Single Unders

Push-up to Down Dog

Single Unders


Then w/ empty barbell

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Strict Press

5 Overhead Squats

5 RDLs

5 Front Squats

Open Test (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 min AMRAP:

50 Wall Balls 20/14

50 Double Unders

40 Box Jumps 24/20

40 Toes to Bar

30 C2B Pull-ups(pull-ups)

30 Burpees

20 Cleans 145/98(115/73)

20 Jerks 145/98(115/73)

10 Snatches 145/98(115/73)

10 Ring MU(burpee C2B)