Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
Merry Christmas!
Home WOD For Time:
Accumalate 10 minutes in an elbow plank. Perform 25 situps every time you break!
Merry Christmas!
Home WOD For Time:
Accumalate 10 minutes in an elbow plank. Perform 25 situps every time you break!
1 Strict Pull-up/Chin-up(RX+ Ring/Bar Muscle up)
2 Burpees Over Bar
3 Deadlifts 225/155
4 Squat Jumps Over Bar
5 Hand Release Push-ups
6 Goblet Squats 53/35
7 KB Swings 53/35
8 Box Jumps 24/20
9 Grasshoppers (2for1)
10 Wall Balls 20/14
11 Cal bike, Row or Ski(first come first serve)
12 Step Back Lunges 53/35
*25 minute cap
3 min bike or row just above convo pace….
10 shoulder circles small>med>big
10 sh. circles in rev. sml>med>big
knee hugs down, quad pulls back
alt. groin stretch down
lunge steps w/ reach to the sky down
knee hugs down, quad pulls back
lunges w/ twist into the knee down
inch worms down
alt. leg swings down
high knees down/back in reverse
lateral high knees down/back
butt kicks down/back in reverse
smooth broad jumps down
These will come from the floor.
8 min AMRAP:
3 Thrusters 95/63(75/55)
3 Toes to Bar
6 Thrusters
6 Toes to Bar
9 Thrusters
9 Toes to Bar
3-5 min bike, row or jog
20 leg swings each side
Bear crawl down/back
20 lateral leg swings each side
Lunge steps down/back/down
10 arm circles sm/med/big forward and reverse
Quad pulls back
20 air squats
20 hollow/arch swings
Inch worms down
(Grab small weights for each hand)
20 reverse flyes
10 shoulder rotates each side
15 snow angels + Y shrug at top
Alternating groin stretch back
Lateral slides down/back x2
High knees down/butt kicks back x2
Wide base 5-4-3-2-1 push-ups
20 mn AMRAP, teams of 2:
30 Air Squats
15/12 Calorie Row
7 Clean and Jerks 95/63
*Partners alternate complete rounds
Every 4 minutes(5 rounds):
30 Air Squats
20/15 Calorie Row
7 Clean and Jerks 135/93
3 min bike or row just above convo pace….
10 shoulder circles small>med>big
10 sh. circles in rev. sml>med>big
knee hugs down, quad pulls back
alt. groin stretch down
lunge steps w/ reach to the sky down
knee hugs down, quad pulls back
lunges w/ twist into the knee down
inch worms down
alt. leg swings down
high knees down/back in reverse
lateral high knees down/back
butt kicks down/back in reverse
smooth broad jumps down
Mechanics are of the upmost importance. Load will always take second place to proper position. We’ll build with intent and make smart jumps. One miss and you’re done.
RX+ For Time:
20 Power Snatches 115/80
20 Barbell-Facing Burpees
20 Overhead Squats
20 Barbell-Facing Burpees
20 Squat Snatches
RX For Time:
20 Power Snatches 95/63
20 Lateral Barbell Burpees
20 Overhead Squats
20 Lateral Barbell Burpees
20 Squat Snatches