Author: honeybadgergym


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

badgers need barbells (No Measure)

3 min bike or row just above convo pace….

10 shoulder circles small>med>big

10 sh. circles in rev. sml>med>big

knee hugs down, quad pulls back

alt. groin stretch down

lunge steps w/ reach to the sky down

knee hugs down, quad pulls back

lunges w/ twist into the knee down

inch worms down

alt. leg swings down

high knees down/back in reverse

lateral high knees down/back

butt kicks down/back in reverse

smooth broad jumps down

Heartbreak Kid (Time)

RX+ 3 Rounds:

10 Front Squats 185/133

20 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

50 Double Unders

RX 3 Rounds:

10 Front Squats 135/93

20 Pull-Ups

50 Double Unders

Metcon (Time)

Extra Work(optional)

4 rounds:

15 unbroken touch and go deadlifts (225/155)

Rest as little as possible between sets
Weight should be something you could complete for 20 reps. Think something in terms of “heavy” for a 21-15-9 workout.


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

30 seconds each movement:

Jumping Jacks

Push-up to Down Dog

Active Samson

Superman Hold

Alt. Groin Stretch

Squats(SLOW down FAST up!)

Hollow hold or rock

PVC Pass Throughs

then with an empty barbell,

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 In & Outs each side

5 Strict Presses

5 RDLs

5 Front Squats

Hang Power Clean (12ish minutes to find a heavy triple for the day)

Movement should be crisp and precise. If we can’t move up with proper footwork(no starfish) and mechanics, we’ll call it a day. Two misses and you’re done.

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds:

20 Hang Power Cleans

20 Front Squats

20 Push Press

RX+ 95/63

RX 75/55
Weight used today should be something that each section could be done unbroken if fresh. Strength should not slow you down today.


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Full Body Badger (No Measure)

3-5 min bike, row or jog

20 leg swings each side

Bear crawl down/back

20 lateral leg swings each side

Lunge steps down/back/down

10 arm circles sm/med/big forward and reverse

Quad pulls back

20 air squats

20 hollow/arch swings

Inch worms down

(Grab small weights for each hand)

20 reverse flyes

10 shoulder rotates each side

15 snow angels + Y shrug at top

Alternating groin stretch back

Lateral slides down/back x2

High knees down/butt kicks back x2

Wide base 5-4-3-2-1 push-ups

Metcon (No Measure)

Strict Handstand Push-ups or Dumbell Strict Press(10min cap):

17 Reps

Rest 1:00

15 Reps

Rest :45

13 Reps

Rest :30

11 Reps

Rest :15

9 Reps

*Goal is unbroken sets, but weight used should be challenging. If you have some strict hspu, perform max reps on each set then finish with strict press.

Metcon (Time)

Teams of 2

8 Rounds For Time(4 each):

400 Meter Row

Burden Dumpster Run 45/35


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

badgers need barbells (No Measure)

3 min bike or row just above convo pace….

10 shoulder circles small>med>big

10 sh. circles in rev. sml>med>big

knee hugs down, quad pulls back

alt. groin stretch down

lunge steps w/ reach to the sky down

knee hugs down, quad pulls back

lunges w/ twist into the knee down

inch worms down

alt. leg swings down

high knees down/back in reverse

lateral high knees down/back

butt kicks down/back in reverse

smooth broad jumps down

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

RX+ 20 min AMRAP:

30 Dumbbell Snatches 50/35

30 Box Jumps 24/20

30 Calorie Row

30 Toes to Bar

RX 20 min AMRAP w/a partner:

30 Dumbbell Snatches 40/25

30 Box Jumps 20”

30 Calorie Bike

30 Weighted sit-ups w/DB (partner can anchor feet)


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

the basic badger warm-up (No Measure)

lunge steps down/back in reverse

10 air squats

10 situps

runners stretch down

alt. cross kicks back

10 air squats

10 situps

alt. groin stretch down

inch worm back

10 air squats

10 situps

10 push-ups

shoulder stretch 20 sec each side x2

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

With a partner, 30 min AMRAP:

750m Row

75 squat jumps over the bar*

750m Row

75 push press (75/55)

750m Row

75 OH lunge steps* (45/25)

750m Row

75 Sit-ups

750m Row

75 Burpee Pull-ups*

*full squat to jump over the bar, one fluid movement. Not a squat, then step and jump over the bar. Lateral or facing is fine.

*plate cannot rest on head, must be above. Lunges can be forward or reverse, but must be stood up completely for each rep.

*arms must be full extension to start the pull-up, no half reps. Plate burpees will be the scale if not doing pullups.