Author: honeybadgergym


Honey Badger Gym – Rowing

(No Measure)

Dark Horse Rowing warm-up


20 strokes pausing at:

“Arms Away” from the release

“Arms Away & Arms and Body Away” (2 pauses/strokes)

“Arms Away, Arms & Body Away, & 1/2 Slide Catch” (3 pauses/stroke) 5 second pauses


10 minute build (DS1/16-30)

Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

4x1250m w/ 3 minutes rest

Every 1250m interval is broken into 5x250m

(250 on/250 easy/250 on/250 easy, etc)

On = Max Effort

Easy = Conversational Pace


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

(No Measure)

bear crawl down

alt. groin stretch 1/2 way

hip flexor stretch 1/2 way

bear crawl down

3 count squat stretch, 3 count hamstring x10 each

8 min SLAMRAP:

10 jumping barbell good mornings

10 goblet squats

10 ttb or hanging knee raises or v-ups

10 kb swings

Front Squat (4 reps EMOM for 5 minutes)

start around 70% last week of this, don’t be scurrrrrrrrred.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

18 min AMRAP:

80ft HS Walk

60 Wall Balls 20/14

40 Calorie Row

20 Double KB deadlift 70s/53s

(rest 2 min)

scaled option:

8 wall walks

60 wall balls

40 russian swings w/ kb or db

20 kb or db deads

(rest 2 min)


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

cardiNO (No Measure)

20 jumping jacks

20 swinging jacks

jog down, back in reverse x3

15 jumping jacks

15 swinging jacks

high knees down, back in reverse x2

10 jumping jacks

10 swinging jacks

butt kicks down, back in reverse x1

alternating groin stretch half way

inch worm w/push-up half way

runners stretch hip flexor stretch half way

3 count squat stretch, 3 count hamstring stretch x10 each

Power Clean (5 touch&go reps EMOM for 5 min, start around 70%)

CrossFit Games Open 11.1 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10-Minute AMRAP of:
30 Double-Unders
15 Power Snatches, 75# / 55#

Metcon (Time)

2k row, but perform 5 over the rower burpees EMOM starting at 1:00


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

(No Measure)

3 min bike or row

25 jumping jacks

15 swinging jacks

alternating groin stretch 1/2 way

runners stretch hip flexor stretch 1/2 way

alternating groin stretch 1/2 way

runners stretch hip flexor stretch 1/2 way

inch worms w/ single push-up 1/2 way

shoulder stretch 20 sec each side x2

Barbara (Time)

Five Rounds for time:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
*3-minute rest after each round*
You guys know the drill and standards we’re looking for. Quality.

Metcon (Time)

3 rounds: RX+

15 assault bike cals

15 box jumps 24/20″

10 assault bike cals

10 box jumps 24/20″

5 assault bike cals

5 box jumps 24/20″

(rest 2 min)


schwinn bikes

jumps or step-ups


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

(No Measure)

10 min SLAMRAP:

500m row

15 light front squats

10 strict push-ups

Deadlift (6@70% 5@80% 4@90% [email protected]%)

all reps should be touch and go. if the weight or movement feels off, go lighter. if 102.5% isn’t in the cards, 95ish % is fine.

CrossFit Games Open 11.3 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

5-Minute AMRAP of:
Squat Clean, 165# / 110#
Jerk, 165# / 110#

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

12 min AMRAP w/ a partner:

unbroken sets of 5 muscle ups

switch any time
any movement could be used here, and reps can be scaled up or down depending on that movement. Have fun, work hard.