Author: honeybadgergym


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

make money get turnt (No Measure)

long bear crawl + 5 air squats

lunge steps

long bear crawl + 10 air squats

lunge steps in reverse

long inch worm + 15 air squats

runners/hip flexor stretch half way

alt. groin stretch half way + 10 push ups

duck walks half way + 10 push ups

alt. groin stretch half way + 10 push ups
cut the push-ups to 5 today and end with a shoulder stretch 20 sec each side 2x

Front Squat (5 min EMOM of 4 reps (start around 70%))

improve from last time, whether that be with more weight or with better movement and control with the same weight.

Metcon (Time)


Deadlift 225/155(mens bar)


rest 2 min


Wall Ball 30/20

Ring Dip
workouts can also be scaled with lighter weights or take reps to 15-10-5, just notate accordingly.

Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

10 min AMRAP w/ a partner:

One partner does muscle ups, while the other partner does double unders. Partners may switch at any time.

there will be two separate scores for each person:

1st score will be total MUs

2nd score will be total DUs
any gymnastics movement would be a suitable scale as long as you’re working to progress on that movement. Choose something challenging.


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Spencer Arnold snatch warm-up (No Measure)

w/ pvc or barbell

5 jump shrugs

5 high and outsides

5 muscle snatches

5 balance to power(position)

5 ohs

5 sotts presses

5 duck walks forward/reverse
then 3 SLOW rounds:

5 hang power snatches

15 situps

30 double unders or singles

Power Snatch (5 min EMOM of 5 T&G reps (start around 65-70%))

move up if feeling good and moving well, otherwise stay put.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 min AMRAP: RX+

30 power cleans 185/123

30 bar facing burpees

120 double unders



bar over burpees

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 min AMRAP:

15 assault bike cals

12 Front squats 135/93

9 GHD sit-ups


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

shoulder prep circuit (No Measure)

15 band pull aparts or bent over flyes

10 reverse hspu shrugs or plate shrugs

10 shoulder rotates each arm (light)

10 snow angels w/ a Y shrug (light)

30 foot hs walk or 20 count hold or 30 count overhead weight active hold
before the shoulder prep, perform the following:

25 jumping jacks

15 swinging jacks

alt. groin stretch half way

runners/hip flexor stretch half way

inch worm with 5-4-3-2-1 pushups

Angie (Time)

For Time:
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 air squats

starts in the hang with full extension of arms, ends with chin above bar.


starts in plank,

elbows move past shoulder blades on the descent or chest/ribs touch the floor,

knees do not come in contact with the floor,

you may not rest on the floor after the descent before you come up,

lockout must be achieved before you can take a knee to rest,

ends fully locked out in plank.


starts with hands behind head touching the floor, ends with shoulders in front of hip crease touching heels or toes.

air squat:

starts standing tall, hip crease must go below the top of the knee, ends with full extension of knees and hips standing tall.


jumping pull-ups or ring rows

elevated push-ups, knees assist

anchored sit-ups

box squats

repetitions can be cut if needed

Metcon (Time)

40 calorie row

rest 1:1

35 calorie row

rest 1:1

30 calorie row

rest 1:1

25 calorie row

rest 1:1

20 calorie row

rest 1:1

15 calorie row

rest 1:1

10 calorie row


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

(No Measure)

10 min SLAMRAP:

10 cal bike or row

10 hand release push-ups

10 light touch and go deads

10 situps

Deadlift (6@65% 5@75% 4@85% 1@95%)

all reps are touch and go leading up to your single. Don’t be a hero, back weight down if form doesn’t feel solid.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 min AMRAP:

100 double unders

50 deadlifts 155/105

10 bar muscle ups


100 singles

lighter load

20 bar over burpees


Honey Badger Gym – Rowing

(No Measure)

dry land warm-up


3x200m pick drill (row 200m at each position and let one transition into the next)

arms only

arms + body

full slide (normal stroke)


10 minute build (16-30 s/m) with damper set at 1.

starting at 16 s/m, go up 1 s/m until the 5 minute mark, then go up 1 s/m every 30 seconds. Strokes per minute will be at 30 in final 30 seconds.

Metcon (6 Rounds for time)

Row the following sets with a drag factor/damper 100-140/(3-5) as fast as possible:

750m at 26 s/m

rest 3 min

1250m at 26 s/m

rest 3 min

500m at 28 s/m

rest 3 min

1000m at 28 s/m

rest 3 min

250m at 30 s/m

rest 3 min

750m at 30 s/m