Author: honeybadgergym


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

(No Measure)


3 x 60ft HS walk AFAP or

3 x 45sec – 1min hs hold or

3 x 45sec – 1min OH weight hold


3 rounds

75 double unders or singles(or mix)

10 strict ring dips or perfect pushups

Deadlift (5-5-5-5-5)

keep sets touch and go, work to a heavy 5 within 5 sets.

Metcon (Time)

40 abmat situps

40 russian kb swings 53/35 (eye level)

30 abmat situps

30 russian kb swings 53/35

20 abmat situps

20 russian swings 53/35

10 abmat situps

10 russian swings 53/35


40 Toes 2 Bar

500m row

30 Toes 2 Bar

500m row

20 Toes 2 Bar

500m row

10 Toes 2 Bar


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

shoulder prep circuit (No Measure)

15 band pull aparts or bent over flyes

10 reverse hspu shrugs or plate shrugs

10 shoulder rotates each arm (light)

10 snow angels w/ a Y shrug (light)

30 foot hs walk or 20 count hold or 30 count overhead weight active hold
then 3 rounds

10 empty bar high hang squat snatches or ohs

12 pullups or ring rows

misfit snatch complex (2-2-2-2-2 @ 80-90% of complex max)

1 snatch + 1 OHS + 1 hang snatch + 1 OHS

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

3 min AMRAP

9 push jerk 135/93

9 lateral bar over burpees

rest 2 minutes

3 min AMRAP

6 push jerks 185/123

6 bar facing burpees

rest 2 minutes

3 push jerks 205/133

3 burpees

RX+ 225/143 for last weight increase


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

12/07/2015 (No Measure)

3 rounds

15 heavy russian kb swings

10 box jump overs

Back Squat (5-5-5-5-5 @ 90% of 5RM)

rest 2-3 minutes between sets

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

2 min ME Goblet squats 53/35

2 min ME one arm russian KB swings 53/35 (switch hands anytime)

Rest 1 minute


2 min ME alternating pistols

2 min ME KB snatches 70/53 (switch hands any time)

rest 1 minute


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

12/07/2015 (No Measure)

3 rounds

15 heavy russian kb swings

10 box jump overs

Back Squat (5-5-5-5-5 @ 90% of 5RM)

rest 2-3 minutes between sets

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

2 min ME Goblet squats 53/35

2 min ME one arm russian KB swings 53/35 (switch hands anytime)

Rest 1 minute


2 min ME alternating pistols

2 min ME KB snatches 70/53 (switch hands any time)

rest 1 minute


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Burgener Warm-up (No Measure)


1. Down and “Finish”

2. Elbows High and Outside

3. Muscle Snatch

4. Snatch Lands at 2″, 4″, 6″

5. Snatch Drops


1. Snatch Push Press

2. Overhead Squat

3. Heaving Snatch Balance

4. Snatch Balance without a dip

5. Snatch Balance with a dip