Badger S&C – Fri, Oct 4

Honey Badger Gym – Badger S&C

Warm-Up (No Measure)

Machine for 2 Min

Crossovers – D/B

Down/Up Dog – 4

Wide Base Inchworms – 4

Thoracic Rotations – 4 Each

Samson with Twist – 4

Heel to Toe Rocks – 10

Good Mornings with a Twist – 10

Stepback Lunge – 6

Line Hops – 10

Walking RDL’s/Figure 8’s

Incline Bootcamp Burpees – 4

Bench Leg Scoops – 5

Barbell Warm Up:

Good Mornings to Squat – 5

Elbow Rotates – 10

Strict Press Behind Neck – 5

RDL’s – 5

Thoracic Stretch 30 Sec

EMOM – Good Mornings (No Measure)

1: 10 Good Mornings

2: 5 One Leg RDL’s Each

3: Rest

4: 8 Good Mornings

5: 5 One Leg RDL’s Each

6: Rest

7: 6 Good Mornings

8: 5 One Leg RDL’s Each

9: Rest

10: 4 Good Mornings

Metcon 12 Min (No Measure)

6 Rounds

Barbell Stepback Lunge – 10

Incline Burpee to Bench Hop – 12

Strict Press Behind the Neck – 10

Bench Leg Scoops – 12