Honey Badger Gym – Badger S&C
Warm-Up (No Measure)
Machine for 2 Min
Shoulder Wipers – 4 Each
Fan Outs – 4 Each
Lateral Shuffle – D/B
Down/Up Dog – 4
Bootcamp Burpees – 4
Inchworms with Pushup – 4
Shoulder Taps – 10
Good Mornings – 10
Heel to Toe Rocks – 10
Lunge Hops – 4
A Skips – D/B
Samson with Twist – 4
Barbell Warmup:
Good Mornings – 5
Front Squat – 5
Bent Over Rows – 5
RDL’s 5
PVC Stretch – 30 Sec
Bench Press (EMOM – 10 Min)
1: Tempo Bench(4 both ways)@65% – 5
2: DB Bent Over Flys – 8
3: Rest
4: Temp Bench @70% – 4
5: DB Bent Over Flys – 8
6: Rest
7: Tempo Bench @75% – 3
8: DB Bent Over Flys – 8
9: Rest
10: Tempo Bench @80% – 2
30 on/30 Off (No Measure)
1: Shuttle Runs
2: A-Skips
3: Shuttle Runs
4: Lateral Shuffles
5: Shuttle Runs
6: Burpee with Broad Jump
7: Shuttle Runs
8: Lunge Hop
9: Shuttle Runs
10: Plank to Bear