Fitness – Fri, Feb 2

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Zombie Squat (Weight)

12 Min clock

4 Rounds every 3 Min

6 Zombie Squats building to 75% effort

8 Seated on the ground DB Press

Rest reamining time

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Amrap 15

Spicy RX+

6 HSPU (strict)

12 Wall Balls 20/14

18 Ab mat sit ups

Parking lot lap (touch back wall)

Mild RX

6/4 HSPU

12 Wall Balls 20/14

18 Ab mat sit ups

Parking lot lap (touch back wall)


6 Push Ups/4 HSPU/ 6 DB Press

12 Wall BAlls 14/10

18 ab mat sit ups

Parking lot lap (touch back wall)