Fitness – Fri, Jul 19

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Shoulder Press (Build to a heavy single strict press and do it 3 times)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Teams of 2

Amrap 8

Partner 1 completes 4/8/12 while partner 2 holds their barbell. After partner 1 completes 4/8/12 partner 2 will complete 4/8/12 while partner 1 holds the barbell. Barbell must be held while work is being done. Co-ed is preferred but each team will have 2 barbells.


4 Snatch 135/93

8 T2b

12 Wall Balls 20/14


4 Snatch 115/83

8 T2b

12 Wall Balls 20/14


4 Snatch 95/63

8 Knee Raises

12 Wall Balls 14/10