Fitness – Fri, Mar 22

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Clean and Jerk (EMOM x 10

0 – 1 x 65%
1 – 1 x 65%
2 – Rest
3 – 1×70%
4 – 1 x 70%
5 – 1 x 70%
6 – Rest
7 – 1 x 75%
8 – 1 x 75%
9 – 1 x 75%

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


Score is combined reps of wall balls and t2b.

Spicy RX+

EMOM 3 CJ 135/93

Alternate minutes

Max Wall Balls 20/14

Max T2b

Mild RX

EMOM 3 CJ 95/73

Alternate Minutes

Max Wall Balls 20/14

Max t2b/t2r


Emom 3 CJ

Alternate Minutes

Max Wall Balls 14/10

Max ab mat sit ups
3 Clean and jerk buy in every min including zero. do not count cj reps towards your score.