Fitness – Fri, Mar 7

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Amrap 12

Teams of 2


21 pull ups

42 double unders

21 thrusters 95/63

18 chest to bar

36 double unders

18 thrusters 115/78

15 Bar muscle ups*

30 double unders

15 thrusters 135/83

*1 partner can perform burpee chest to bar


21 pull ups

42 double unders

21 thrusters 95/63

18 burpee pull ups

36 double unders

18 thrusters 115/73

15 c2b

30 double unders

15 thrusters 135/83

*one partner may do singles


21 jumping pull ups

42 single unders

21 thrusters 75/43

18 pull ups or jumping c2b

36 singles

18 thrusters 85/53

15 c2b or burpee jumping pull up

30 singles

15 thrusters 105/63