Fitness – Fri, Sep 29

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Bench Press (EMOM 12
Min 1 – 6-10 Bench Press @70%
Min 2 – 10-15 DB side lateral raises
Men 35s-20s
Women 20s-10s
Min 3 – 12-15 DB Skull Crushers with DBS
Min 4 – Rest)

Metcon (Time)

For Time

15 Min Cap

20″ Box for all


Spicy RX+

10 Box Step Ups 50/35

40 T2b

20 Box Step ups

30 C2b pull ups

30 Box Step ups

20 T2b

40 Box Step ups

10 Muscle up bar or ring

50 Box Step up

Every 3 minutes including zero, 3 Devil Presses with 2 DBs 50s/35s. Only use 1 DB for the step ups

Mild RX

10 Box Step ups 35/25

20/15 T2b

20 Box Step Ups

20 Pull ups

30 Box Step ups

20/15 T2b

40 Box Step ups

20 Pull ups

50 Box Step ups

Every 3 minutes including zero 3 Devil Presses with 2 35s/25s. Single DB for box step ups.


10 Box Step up 25/15

10 Stick sit ups or V-ups

15 Box Step up

15 ring rows/ banded pull up

20 Box Step ups

10 Ab choice

25 Box Step ups

15 Ring rows/ banded pull up

30 Box Step ups

Every 3 minute including zero 3 Devil Press 25s/15s or 8 single DB snatches 25/15