Fitness – Fri, Sep 6

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Thruster (EMOM 8
2 single thrusters each min
1 thruster drop reset 1 thruster)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Teams of 2

Amrap 10

Partners Alternate minutes

Partners pick up where the other partner left off each round.

Spicy RX+

2 Wall Walks

4 Bar muscle Ups

8 DB snatch 50/35

24 Double Unders


2 Wall Walk

6 C2b

8 DB Snatch 50/35

24 Double Unders


4 Patial Wall walks

8 Jumping Pull Ups

12 DB Snatch 35/25

24 Singles

Metcon (No Measure)

Extra meathead

3 sets

10-15 DB Curls

8-12 single arm DB Rows

3 Set

8-12 Barbell Curls

10-12 Seated Cable row