Fitness – Mon, Oct 9

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Snatch (Hang Snatch:
– Establish a 3 RM for the day)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

8 Rounds

1:00 on/ 1:00 off

Score Is Reps after buy the buy in

Spicy RX+

Even Rounds

10 Pogo Burpees

Max Wall Balls 20/14

Odd Rounds

10 Wall Balls

Max Pogo Burpees

Mild RX

Even Rounds

8 Pogo Burpees

Max Wall Balls 20/14

Odd Rounds

10 Wall Balls

Max Pogo Burpees


Even Rounds

8/6 Burpees over a line

Max Wall Balls 14/10

Odd Rounds

8 Wall Balls

Max Burpee over the line