Fitness – Sat, Dec 14

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Metcon (Time)

With a partner for time

Spicy RX+

300 Double unders

150/125 Calorie Row

100 Wall Ball 20/14

80 Box step up 50/35 24/20

60 Single arm DB thrusters 50/35

40 Burpee pogo box overs 24/20

20 Sandbag Cleans 150/100

Mild RX

200 Double Unders

125/100 Calorie Row

100 Wall Balls

80 Box Step Ups 35/25

60 Single arm DB thruster 35/25

40 Pogo Burpee box jump overs

20 Sandbag cleans 100/70


300 Singles

100/75 Calorie Row

90 Wall Balls 14/10

70 Box step up with or without weight 20″

50 Single arm DB thruster

30 Burpee box jump or get over

20 Sandbag cleans