Fitness – Wed, Jul 31

Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Metcon (No Measure)

Functional Meathead

Teams of 2 of like strength

40 Minute running clock


Alternate movements


5 pull Ups (strict)

10 Push Ups

15 Calorie Row


Build to a heavy Clean complex

1 Clean

1 hang clean



Alternate movements

15 DB Bench

10 T2b

5 Deadlifts at clean weight


3 Sets (each partner just finish in 10 minutes)

12-15 DB Skull Crushers (on the ground db heads touch the ground behind your head)

12-15 DB Curls

weighted ab mat sit ups to failure
This can be done solo if space and equipment allows.

Two bars may be used for the deadlifts if partners have significantly different weights on the clean complex.

Clean (Clean/Hang clean complex full or power)