Category: WOD


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

30 Seconds each:

Slow Row or Bike

Active Spidermans

Alternating Bird Dog

Medium Row or Bike

Active Samson

Hollow Hold

Fast Row or Bike

Push-up to Down Dog

Superman Hold


1 minute child’s pose

30 sec PVC pass throughs

30 sec wall assisted shoulder stretch

Lead Foot (3 Rounds for reps)

4 min AMRAP:

27 Calorie Row

27 Burpees

27 Chest to Bar Pull-ups*

rest 4 minutes

4 min AMRAP:

21 Calorie Row

21 Burpees

21 Toes to Bar

rest 4 minutes

4 min AMRAP:

15 Calorie Row

15 Burpees

15 Pull-ups

*RX will do pull-ups in the 1st and 3rd round


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Squats sound good to me (warm-up) (No Measure)

standing straddle stretch 3 min

bike or row 3 minutes

lunge steps down/back in reverse

alternating groin stretch down

inch worms half way

runners stretch half way

lunge steps with a jump down

squat/hammy stretch 3 count each x10

Back Squat (5 reps E3MOM for 9 min)

We can build over the 3 sets, or stay at a weight for all 3 sets.

Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds:

40 Air Squats*

30 Sit-ups

Parking Lot Lap

*if target is needed for depth, a coach can appoint something for you and it will still be counted as RX for today


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Metcon (Time)

In teams of 3:

For time:

120 cal row

90 wall balls 30/20(20/14)

90 cal row

60 thrusters 95/63(75/53)

60 cal row

30 front squats 185/125(135/93)


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

Parking lot lap

10 leg swings each side

Knee tucks down/back

10 lateral leg swings each side

Quad pulls down/back

Alt groin stretch down

30 secod easy Bike or Row

Spiderman crawl down/back

30 second medium Bike or Row

10 Push-up to Down Dog

30 second Fast Bike or Row

Samson Stretch down/back

Then w/ empty barbell

5 RDLs

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (Each Side)

5 Strict Press

5 Good Mornings

Deadlift (12ish min to establish a heavy 10)

This is quite a few reps. Mechanics and body positions will be extremely important today for safety and the success of your lift. Be smart with your warmup attempts in 3-5 reps, and attempt no more than 2-3 sets of 10. We will not bouncing these off the floor, a controlled decent is required. Act as if your drink of choice is open on either side of the bar, wreckless uncontrolled movements will leave you thirsty when your set is done.

Metcon (Time)

RX+ 3 Rounds:

20 Deadlifts 245/165

15/10 Calorie Bike

20 Hang DB Reverse Lunges (60’s/40’s)

15/10 Calorie Bike

RX 3 Rounds:

20 Deadlifts 155/105

15/10 Calorie Bike or Row

20 Hang DB or KB Reverse Lunges (50’s/35’s)

15/10 Calorie Bike or Row


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

:30 Seconds each

Easy Row or Bike

Active Spidermans

Medium Row or Bike

Push-up to Down Dog

Faster Row or Bike

Air Squats

Then with an empty barbell:

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Snatch Grip Push Press

5 Overhead Squats

5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts


30 sec child’s pose

30 sec pigeon each side

30 sec squat hold

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

3 min AMRAP:

21/15 Calorie Row

21 Lateral Erg Burpees

Max Overhead Squats 75/53

rest 3 minutes

3 min AMRAP:

18/13 Calorie Row

18 Lateral Erg Burpees

Max Overhead Squats 95/63

rest 3 minutes

3 min AMRAP:

15/11 Calorie Row

15 Lateral Erg Burpees

Max Overhead Squats 115/78

rest 3 minutes

3 min AMRAP:

12/9 Calorie Row

12 Lateral Erg Burpees

Max Overhead Squats 135/93