Category: WOD

Thursday Suggestion

Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

4 rounds of 40sec on /20sec off

Plate to OH 45/35

Calorie Bike

Plate to OH

Calorie Bike

2 Scores(note in comments)

Total Plate to OH

Total Calories on Bike
One end of the plate touches the floor after initial pick up, arms do not need to be locked out for the Overhead portion.


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

namaste badger (No Measure)

3-5min bike row or run(try to start sweating..)

10 big arm circles forward/reverse

knee tucks down/quad pulls back

10 light 1 arm russian swings each arm

10 cuban presses

alt. groin stretch down/high knees back

10 light 1 arm russian swings each arm

10 cuban presses

5 yoga push-ups

runners/hip flexor stretch down/butt kicks back

10 light 1 arm russian swings each arm

10 cuban presses

5 yoga push-ups

Single Arm Dumbell Press (4×6 each arm @100% of 10rm rest 1 min between arms)

Metcon (Time)

2k Row

150 Dubs(RX is 300 singles)

10 Rounds of Cindy*

*1 Round of Cindy: 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air Squats


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

make money get turnt (warm-up) (No Measure)

long bear crawl + 5 air squats

lunge steps

long bear crawl + 10 air squats

lunge steps in reverse

long inch worm + 15 air squats

runners/hip flexor stretch half way

alt. groin stretch half way + 10 push ups

duck walks half way + 10 push ups

alt. groin stretch half way + 10 push ups

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

5 min AMRAP:

HB”400″ Buy-In

12 Deadlifts

12 Bar Facing Burpees

Rest 5:00

5 min AMRAP:

Fire Loop Buy-In

9 Deadlifts

9 Bar Facing Burpees

Rest 5:00

5 min AMRAP:

Dumpster Run Buy-In

6 Deadlifts

6 Bar Facing Burpees

RX+ weights




RX weights





Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Back Squat (6 reps @ 75% E3MOM for 15)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Tabata Row for calories

Tabata Swings 53/35

Tabata Overhead squats 75/55