Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit
Tabata Badger (No Measure)
bike or row 3-5 min
in Tabata fashion 20s on/10s off, alternate through the following movements for 12 min:
Jumping Jacks
Hollow Rocks
Lunge Steps in place
Bear Crawl
Hollow Rocks
Air Squats
Wide Base Inchworms
you will cycle through each movement 3x
Back Squat (3 paused(2 count) reps E2MOM for 12 min)
Try to build every set. Posture and position should not be sacrificed for more weight. Find your end range and get comfortable there.
Metcon (Time)
Alternating DB Snatch 50/35
Bottoms-up Burpees*
Weighted Step Back Lunges 50/35
*For the bottoms up burpee, chest must hit the ground and both feet must be flush with floor on the up(not toes or one foot, don’t wanna see any air between the bottom of your feet and the floor).