Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
In teams of 3:
3 rounds:
4 min bike for calories
3 min sit-ups*
2 min hand release burpees
*1 abmat per team, teammates are allowed to anchor working partners feet.
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds of “Rowling”:
Sharing a rower with a partner or two, athletes will complete 3 rounds of “Rowling”. Goal here is to land exactly on 100 meters without going over or under. If an athlete lands on 97 or 103 meters, their score is 3. If someone gets a “strike” by landing exactly on 100, they do not have to complete the penalty. For today, the penalty will be AbMat sit-ups.
The partners not on the rower will complete one of the active stretches below:
Round 1: Active Samson
Round 2: Active Spidermans
Round 3: Push-up to Down Dog