Category: WOD


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

make money get turnt (No Measure)

long bear crawl + 5 air squats

lunge steps

long bear crawl + 10 air squats

lunge steps in reverse

long inch worm + 15 air squats

runners/hip flexor stretch half way

alt. groin stretch half way + 10 push ups

duck walks half way + 10 push ups

alt. groin stretch half way + 10 push ups

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 min AMRAP:

7 squat cleans 165/108

30 double unders

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3 min AMRAP x 3 rounds:

(rest 2 min between AMRAPs)

8 hang power snatch 135/93

9 hspu

10 shoulder to OH 135/93

*continue where you left off each AMRAP, do not start over. Score is total rounds and reps.

Metcon (Time)

10 rounds:

10 calorie assault bike

10 calorie row

rest 1 minute


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

make money get turnt (No Measure)

long bear crawl + 5 air squats

lunge steps

long bear crawl + 10 air squats

lunge steps in reverse

long inch worm + 15 air squats

runners/hip flexor stretch half way

alt. groin stretch half way + 10 push ups

duck walks half way + 10 push ups

alt. groin stretch half way + 10 push ups

Deadlift ([email protected]% [email protected]% [email protected]% [email protected]%)

Metcon (Time)


Thrusters 95/63

Toes to bar


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

(No Measure)


5 rounds

200m row

alt. groin stretch half way

bear crawl half way

runners stretch hip flexor stretch back

Squat Clean (5 min EMOM of 5 T&G reps (start around 65-70%))

Metcon (Time)


KB Swings 53/35

Air Squats

Hand Release Push-Ups

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

optional work #1

EMOM until failure (20 min cap)

Even: 10 power clean 135/93

Odd: 12 Bar facing burpees

Metcon (Time)

optional work #2

6 rounds w/ a partner switching anytime:

100 double unders

25 c2b pull-ups


Honey Badger Gym – Rowing

(No Measure)

10 min dry land warm-up (stretches/mobility)

10 min build (16-30 spm)

10 min sprint start practice (sprint start structure, starting 5, starting 15)

Metcon (5 Rounds for distance)

5x3min interval

at the beginning of every 3 minutes, perform a sprint start, then settle into an “easy” pace(65% effort, conversational pace)


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

make money get turnt (No Measure)

long bear crawl + 5 air squats

lunge steps

long bear crawl + 10 air squats

lunge steps in reverse

long inch worm + 15 air squats

runners/hip flexor stretch half way

alt. groin stretch half way + 10 push ups

duck walks half way + 10 push ups

alt. groin stretch half way + 10 push ups
then shoulder stretch 30 sec each side x2

Front Squat (5 min EMOM of 4 reps (start around 70%))

Metcon (Time)

50 cal assault bike

200 double unders

50 hspu

100 wallballs 20/14


100 mtn climbers for bike (both legs = 1)

200 singles or lateral jumps


lighter ball or lower target
OPTIONAL: in the 5 min directly following, 1rm Clean&Jerk.

Clean and Jerk (5 min to find 1RM)

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

optional work

3 rounds with a partner:

partner 1: row 500

partner 2: max reps HSPU

partner 2: row 500

partner 1: max reps HSPU

While one partner rows, the other does hspu. Switch takes place after each row is completed. Athletes will row and hspu 3x.