Category: WOD


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit


Red = dumpster run

Green = 1 tire flip

Purple = 10 wall balls 20/14

Yellow = 20 sit-ups

Orange = 10 KB swings 70/53

time is done when last skittle is eaten and movements are complete.

RX+ bag is eaten as an individual, skittle must be eaten before movement is done

RX bag is eaten with a partner alternating skittles and movements

scaled does not need to eat skittles


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Squats sound good to me (warm-up) (No Measure)

standing straddle stretch 3 min

bike or row 3 minutes

lunge steps down/back in reverse

alternating groin stretch down

inch worms half way

runners stretch half way

lunge steps with a jump down

squat/hammy stretch 3 count each x10
then snatch shoulder prep

Power Snatch (3 reps E2MOM for 10 min)

touch and go reps.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

(RX+)18 min AMRAP:

30 Thrusters 95/63

30 Box Jumps 24/20

30 Calorie Row

30 Toes-to-Bar

(RX)18 min AMRAP

30 Thrusters 75/50

30 Box Jumps 20″

30 KB Swings 53/35

30 Ab Mat sit-ups

09/29/2016 suggestion

Honey Badger Gym – OPEN GYM

Metcon (No Measure)

3 rounds:

2 min max bike or row

10 med ball squats

10 ground to OH

10 med ball burden runs to curb and back

(you choose weight and hold the ball any style you see fit)


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

clean&jerk warm-up(coaches choice)

Clean and Jerk (2 reps E2MOM for 10 min)

If you miss, you may not try again in the time domain, and you cannot go up in weight. Move well, dont miss.

Metcon (Time)

1 Round:

Honey Badger “400”

80 Double-unders

21 Hang Power Cleans 135/93

then 2 Rounds:

Food4Less Lap

40 Double-unders

15 Hang Power Cleans 135/93

then 3 Rounds:

Dumpster Run

20 Double-unders

9 Hang Power Cleans 135/93


Honey Badger Gym – CrossFit

the basic badger warm-up (No Measure)

lunge steps down/back in reverse

10 air squats

10 situps

runners stretch down

alt. cross kicks back

10 air squats

10 situps

alt. groin stretch down

inch worm back

10 air squats

10 situps

10 push-ups

shoulder stretch 20 sec each side x2

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

5 min AMRAP:

Buy-in: 50 Wallballs 20/14

12 Deadlifts 185/135

12 Bar-Over Burpees

Rest 5:00

5 min AMRAP:

Buy-in: 35 Wallballs 20/14

9 Deadlifts 225/155

9 Bar-Over Burpees

Rest 5:00

5 min AMRAP:

Buy-in: 20 Wallballs 20/14

6 Deadlifts 275/185

6 Bar-Over Burpees