Honey Badger Gym – Rowing
(No Measure)
dry land warm-up
3x200m pick drill (row 200m at each position and let one transition into the next)
arms only
arms + body
full slide (normal stroke)
10 minute build (16-30 s/m) with damper set at 1.
starting at 16 s/m, go up 1 s/m until the 5 minute mark, then go up 1 s/m every 30 seconds. Strokes per minute will be at 30 in final 30 seconds.
Metcon (6 Rounds for time)
Row the following sets with a drag factor/damper 100-140/(3-5) as fast as possible:
750m at 26 s/m
rest 3 min
1250m at 26 s/m
rest 3 min
500m at 28 s/m
rest 3 min
1000m at 28 s/m
rest 3 min
250m at 30 s/m
rest 3 min
750m at 30 s/m