
Honey Badger Gym – Crossfit


“The only difference between feedback and criticism, is how you hear it.” – Tim Grover

We are defensive creatures. It’s in our nature for self-preservation.

We’ve all related to a time where we felt threatened by feedback. Where we felt like we were being attacked. Much like the primal man, self-preservation kicks in. But outside of that uncomfortable moment, we recognize that feedback is the best thing for us. It’s the secret sauce to improvement. So how can we train our minds to receive it as so?

Remind ourselves, whenever we have the luxury to receive feedback (because it is), there is no downside. There literally isn’t. Even if the feedback or advice is something we can’t use at all, or it doesn’t fit our goals, we still gained insight from another’s point of view or angle.

Whenever feedback comes our way, it’s a gift. If we can remind ourselves of this as the feedback comes, we’ll never hear “criticism” again.

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Sets

30 Seconds Single Unders

30 Seconds Active Samson

30 Seconds Push-up to Down Dog

30 Seconds Slow Air Squats

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 min AMRAP:

20 Alt. DB Power Snatches

40 Double Unders

20 DB Overhead Reverse Lunges(switch arms at 10)

40 Double Unders
60 Single Unders