
Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Back Squat (6×2 @ 75% Every 90 Seconds)

If you don’t have a any documented maxes or an estimated 1RM, use a weight that feels comfortable and looks good for all 6 sets. If you haven’t squatted near your current ONE REP MAX in awhile, consider using 85-90% of that number as your Training Max.


Sally lifted 100lbs for 1 rep 3-4 months ago. Since then she’s not lifted heavy very often. Sally is going to use 90lbs as her 1RM to get percentages from. Sally is smart and wants to feel good while getting comfortable with heavier weights again. Be like Sally.

Metcon (Calories)

5 Sets

2:00 Amrap

30 Air Squats(no hands)

Max Calorie Assault Bike

– Rest 2:00 between sets –

RX+ must get at least 15/12 calories each round

RX must get at least 11/8 calories each round