
Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


Tabata Calorie Assault Bike (8 rounds)

– Rest 2:00 –

Tabata Calorie Row (8 rounds)

– Rest 2:00 –

Tabata Wall Walks (8 rounds)*

*we will not be setting up for “open standard” wall walks, but we will focus on quality here. Think nose and toes with a locked in midline and a controlled walk back out to plank.

*modify wall walks in 2 different ways today.

#1 Get feet up on the wall, 2 steps back with hands and 2 steps forward with hands before dropping feet off the wall

#2 Walk up with hands and feet as far as you’re comfortable with, then walk back out with control.

Metcon (No Measure)

Post Workout:

2 min Saddle Pose

2 min Childs Pose